06/06/2021 Black rock With Guide Michal
06/06/2021 Blue orca Black rock Captain: Nelson Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Jaime Dive Site Depths: 75 Dive Times: 44 Temperature: 87 Visibility: 90 Highlights: School of jacks eagle ray
06/06/2021 Blue orca Black rock Captain: Nelson Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Jaime Dive Site Depths: 75 Dive Times: 44 Temperature: 87 Visibility: 90 Highlights: School of jacks eagle ray
06/09/2021 Devil Ray Escorpiones Captain: Alvaro Guides: Jaime Madera Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 40 feet Dive Times: 42 minutes Temperature: 82 F Visibility: 89 feet Highlights: Open water dive #2 Seahorse, frog fish, sharks, eels and schools of colorful fish
06/09/2021 Devil Ray Punts Gorda Captain: Alvero Guides: Jaime Madera Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 40 feet Dive Times: 43 minutes Temperature: 82 F Visibility: 80 feet Highlights: Open water training dive #1. Seahorse, eels, large schools of seargent major fish and other large schools of fish
06/06/2021 Blue orca Black rock Captain: Nelson Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Jaime Dive Site Depths: 75 Dive Times: 44 Temperature: 87 Visibility: 90 Highlights: School of jacks eagle ray
06/06/2021 Blue orca Big scare Captain: Nelson Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Jaime Dive Site Depths: 100 Dive Times: 37 Temperature: 87 Visibility: 90ft Highlights: 7 bull sharks
06/03/2021 Devil ray Argentina Captain: Nelson Guides: Michael Safety Divers: Jaimie Dive Site Depths: 60 Dive Times: 51min Temperature: 85 Visibility: 90 Highlights: Whitetip reef sharks octopus school of jacks