12/11/2024 Skorpiones With Guide Gabor
12/11/2024 Devil Ray Skorpiones Captain: Jose Guides: Gabor Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17 Dive Times: 49 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 15 Highlights:
12/11/2024 Devil Ray Skorpiones Captain: Jose Guides: Gabor Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17 Dive Times: 49 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 15 Highlights:
12/11/2024 Devil Ray Punta Gorda Captain: Jose Guides: Gabor Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20.4 Dive Times: 43 Temperature: 24 Visibility: 15 Highlights:
12/10/2024 Eagle ray Rainbow Captain: Nelson Guides: Matt Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 43 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 15m Highlights: White tip sharks, giant triggerfish, schools of king angel fish
12/10/2024 Devil Ray Punta ballena Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20 Dive Times: 49 Temperature: 24 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Scuba Bros: Trey, Peter, Rick, Gary, Débra and Yesi
12/10/2024 Devil Ray Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18 Dive Times: 39 Temperature: 24 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Scuba Bros: Trey, Peter, Rick, Gary, Débra and Yesi
12/10/2024 Eagle ray Dirty rock (the widow) Captain: Nelson Guides: Matt Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20m Dive Times: 41 Temperature: 24 Visibility: 15m Highlights: White tip shark, school of stingrays on safety stop
12/11/2024 Eagle ray Villador Captain: Nelson Guides: Matt Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 16m Dive Times: 51 Temperature: 26c Visibility: 10m Highlights: Eagle rays, cow nose ray
12/11/2024 Eagle ray Punta ballena Captain: Nelson Guides: Matt Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17m Dive Times: 46 Temperature: 26c Visibility: 5m Highlights: Long tailed stingray
12/10/2024 Esuria Monkey Head Captain: Familia Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 26c Visibility: 7m Highlights:
12/10/2024 Esuria Virador Captain: Familia Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20m Dive Times: 38 Temperature: 26m Visibility: 7m Highlights: