To Puff Or Not To Puff

Everyone loves pretty pufferfish! Here in the Costa Rican Pacific coast we get many species from the very small spotted sharpnose puffer to the colour-changing guineafowl puffer.  Pufferfish are morphologically similar to the closely related porcupinefish which have large external spines, like the Spotfin Burrfish and the Freckled Porcupinefish.  Pufferfish are most diverse in tropical…

Diving After Covid-19

Make Your Plans and Get Back In The Water Soon! Stuck in doors right now and can’t wait to escape again? Dreaming of getting back to your favourite place….back in the water!? There have been many articles published already about nature returning to places after the humans have had to stay in their houses for…

Погружения на островах Каталина с Рокет Фрог Дайверс

Острова Каталина, Коста-Рика Острова Каталина великолепны для дайвинга в это время года в Коста-Рике. За последние несколько недель погружений мы видели много интересного. От горбатых китов с их детенышами и белоперых акул, до всегда впечатляющих тихоокеанских мант. Погружения возле пляжа Фламинго в Коста-Рике были потрясающими! Август и сентябрь – два не самых популярных месяца для…

Science on Costa Rica’s Ocean Floor

Science on Costa Rica’s Ocean Floor The Schmidt Institute recently finished a multi-week expedition to discover some of the more unique marine species in the deep waters off the coast of Costa Rica. Near Isla del Coco while aboard the research vessel Falkor. The focus of the 3-week expedition was to examine the “important corridor” the seamounts provide. On…