Bill Beard is a name that goes hand in hand with scuba diving and adventure in Costa Rica. Bill Beard was the first instructor in Costa Rica in the early 70s. He brought the dive tanks to the country himself, filled them at Miller Gas and went diving out of dugout canoes. It was this adventurous attitude that lead Bill Beard to be recognized in the International Legends of Diving.
While scuba diving in Costa Rica has come a long way, and we no longer dive out of canoes, Bill Beard and his wife Nadine remain at the forefront of the industry and each year share their passion for the ocean and our country with each customer they send to Costa Rica. For these reasons we see it as a great honor that when Bill Beard is sending his customers to a dive shop in our area of Costa Rica, he sends them to us at Rocket Frog.
Like Bill Beard, we take great pride in showing each and every diver that steps on our boat the best possible Costa Rican dive experience possible. We have the most knowledgeable divemasters in the area, the fastest and safest dive vessel in the area, and will do what it takes to ensure you enjoy your time with us.
Bill Beards also offers a variety of other options for his vacation tours to Costa Rica. Bill Beard’s Costa Rica offers complete dive vacation packages with us at Rocket Frog as well as dive and adventure packages with beach, volcanoes, rain forest and jungle stays. Group rates, airfare and trip insurance are also available to be included in your custom package.
Come visit us at Rocket Frog Divers in Costa Rica and lets go make some bubbles!