05/01/2024 Black Rock With Guide Ellen
05/01/2024 Pacific express Black Rock Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23m Dive Times: 46 Temperature: 28C Visibility: 10m Highlights:
05/01/2024 Pacific express Black Rock Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23m Dive Times: 46 Temperature: 28C Visibility: 10m Highlights:
04/30/2024 Jellyfish Isla de los pájaros Captain: Francisco Guides: Charlie Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 10 mts Dive Times: 41 min Temperature: 28gc Visibility: 8mts Highlights:
05/01/2024 Guitar shark Corredas Captain: Nelson Guides: Steve Safety Divers: Danielle Dive Site Depths: 55 ft Dive Times: 46 min Temperature: 29 c Visibility: Moderate Highlights:
04/30/2024 Jellyfish Los sombreros Captain: Francisco Guides: Charlie Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 12 mts Dive Times: 35 min Temperature: 30gc Visibility: 12 mts Highlights:
05/01/2024 Pacific Express Big Scare Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 29m Dive Times: 39 Temperature: 27C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Bull Sharks!!
05/01/2024 Guitar shark Tortuga Captain: Nelson Guides: Steve Safety Divers: Danielle Dive Site Depths: 55 ft Dive Times: 43 min Temperature: 29 c Visibility: Low moderate Highlights:
05/01/2024 Pacific express Black rock Captain: Danilo Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23m Dive Times: 39mins Temperature: 30C Visibility: 20ft Highlights: Barbara, Joe, Joseph, Wendy, David.B barber fish, bigeye trevally, grouper, damselfish, surgeon fish, moray eel, scorpion fish, moorish idol
05/01/2024 Pacific express Big scare Captain: Danilo Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23m Dive Times: 42 mins Temperature: 30C Visibility: 20ft Highlights: Barbara, Joe, Joseph, Wendy, David.B Bull sharks, barber fish, bigeye trevally, grouper
05/01/2024 Devil Ray Scuba Point Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 16 Dive Times: 61 Temperature: 28 Visibility: 25 Highlights: Lisa, Michael, Damon, Candace and Jill
05/01/2024 Devil Ray Tiburones Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 21 Dive Times: 51 Temperature: 28 Visibility: 25 Highlights: Lisa, Michael, Damon, Candace and Jill