02/03/2024 Punta Gorda With Guide Martin
02/03/2024 Devil Rat Punta Gorda Captain: Danilo Guides: Martin Safety Divers: Nanci Dive Site Depths: 22m Dive Times: 39 Temperature: 26 Visibility: 8 Highlights: Lots of eels.
02/03/2024 Devil Rat Punta Gorda Captain: Danilo Guides: Martin Safety Divers: Nanci Dive Site Depths: 22m Dive Times: 39 Temperature: 26 Visibility: 8 Highlights: Lots of eels.
02/03/2024 Devil Ray Escorpiones Captain: Danilo Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 15 Dive Times: 55 Temperature: 27 Visibility: 20 Highlights: Corinne AOWC
02/03/2024 Devil Ray Punta Gorda Captain: Danilo Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 22 Dive Times: 50 Temperature: 27 Visibility: 20 Highlights: Corinne AOWC
02/02/2024 Eagle Ray Tortuga Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Ashton Dive Site Depths: 20 Dive Times: 48 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Corinne AOWC
02/02/2024 Eagle Ray Punta ballena Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Ashton Dive Site Depths: 20 Dive Times: 50 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Corinne AOWC
02/02/2024 Eagle Ray Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Ashton Dive Site Depths: 28 Dive Times: 38 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Corinne AOWC
02/03/2024 Eagle Ray Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Ashton Dive Site Depths: 28 Dive Times: 38 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Corinne AOWC
02/03/2024 Eagle Ray Punta Ballena Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Ashton Dive Site Depths: 20 Dive Times: 50 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Corinne
02/01/2024 Orca Elefante Captain: Francisco Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18 Dive Times: 35 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Zach, Ryan, John Sabrina and Ed
02/01/2024 Orca Sombrero Norte Captain: Francisco Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18 Dive Times: 37 Temperature: 25 Visibility: 10 Highlights: Zach, Ryan, John Sabrina and Ed