06/20/2020 Tortuga With Guide Marine
06/20/2020 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 22.4m Dive Times: 56min Temperature: 25° Visibility: 5m Highlights: Whitetip shark. Morays
06/20/2020 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 22.4m Dive Times: 56min Temperature: 25° Visibility: 5m Highlights: Whitetip shark. Morays
06/20/2020 Guitar Shark Argentina Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23.5m Dive Times: 63min Temperature: 26° Visibility: 5m Highlights: Lots of school of fish. Eagle rays. Round ray. Whitetip shark. Moray
06/10/2020 Eagle ray Corrida Captain: Danilo Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17.8m Dive Times: 62min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 3m Highlights: Round rays. School of fish. Nudibranchs. Juvenile Jewel & Starry Morays together on the same crack. Morays
06/10/2020 Eagle ray Argentina Captain: Danilo Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23.4m Dive Times: 66min Temperature: 26°C Visibility: 3m Highlights: School of fish. Morays. 3 Whitetip reef sharks female. Scorpionfish. a baby turtle came to say hello on the shallow canal before to reach the surface!
06/06/2020 Eagle ray Argentina Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 16.4m Dive Times: 59min Temperature: 28° Visibility: 7m Highlights: School of fish. Lots of eagle rays!
06/06/2020 Eagle ray Sorpresa Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 32.1m Dive Times: 51min Temperature: 23° Visibility: 10m Highlights: Lots of school of fish. Moray. Stingray
06/04/2020 Eagle ray Punta Ballena Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 15m Dive Times: 67min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Lots of rain on the surface. pretty quiet underwater… lots of thermoclines. amazing safety stop above a rock full of fishes and a school of 20 eagle rays swimming !!
06/04/2020 Eagle ray Meros Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 11.8m Dive Times: 64min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Nursery of fishes. Good dive site for macro. lots of nudibranchs. Porcelain crab. a couple of pipefish. moray. lots of pufferfish. eagle ray
06/03/2020 Eagle ray Monkey head Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20.1m Dive Times: 62 min Temperature: 29°C Visibility: 7m Highlights: morays. scorpionfish. school of fish everywhere. butterflyfish. angelfish. surgeonfish. sergeant marjor. grunts. jack. puffers. damselfish. spadefish. Harlequin shrimp
06/03/2020 Eagle ray Virador Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 25.1m Dive Times: 53min Temperature: 29°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Eagle rays. stingray. whitetip shark. morays. scorpionfish. school of fish everywhere. butterflyfish. angelfish. surgeonfish. sergeant marjor. grunts. jack. puffers. damselfish. spadefish. amazing.