04/23/2024 Argentina With Guide Jon
04/23/2024 Guitar shark Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Jon Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 50 Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 22 Visibility: 17 Highlights:
04/23/2024 Guitar shark Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Jon Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 50 Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 22 Visibility: 17 Highlights:
04/23/2024 Guitar shark Key largo Captain: Jose Guides: Jon Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 50 Dive Times: 45 Temperature: 22 Visibility: 17 Highlights:
04/22/2024 Devil ray Virador Captain: Jose Guides: Jon Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 35 Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 23 Visibility: 15 Highlights:
04/22/2024 Devil ray Monkey head Captain: Jose Guides: Jon Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 35 Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 23 Visibility: 15 Highlights:
04/30/2024 Devil ray Tortuga Captain: Jose Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17m Dive Times: 55mins Temperature: 30C Visibility: 20ft Highlights: Barbara, Joe, John, Wendy, David.B White tip reef sharks, octopus, moray eel, damsel fish, Panamanian Sargent, puffer fish, jewel eel, scorpion fish
04/30/2024 Devil ray Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20m Dive Times: 48mins Temperature: 30C Visibility: 20ft Highlights: Barbara, Joe, John, Wendy, David.B White top reef sharks, octopus, moray eel, damsel fish, Panamanian Sargent, long tailed stingray, puffer fish
04/30/2024 Devil Ray Tortuga Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 28 Dive Times: 50 Temperature: 21 Visibility: 25 Highlights: Lisa, Michael, Damon, Candace and Jill
04/30/2024 Devil Ray Argentina Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 25 Dive Times: 45 Temperature: 21 Visibility: 25 Highlights: Lisa, Michael, Damon, Candace and Jill
04/29/2024 Blue orca Sombreros Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 45 Temperature: 27C Visibility: 12 Highlights:
04/29/2024 Blue orca South Point Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 15m Dive Times: 52 Temperature: 28C Visibility: 10 Highlights: