04/23/2024 Tortuga With Guide Ale
04/23/2024 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 22 Dive Times: 46 Temperature: 26 Visibility: 20 Highlights: Hayley, Jeb and Talgat AOWC
04/23/2024 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 22 Dive Times: 46 Temperature: 26 Visibility: 20 Highlights: Hayley, Jeb and Talgat AOWC
04/22/2024 Wally Classico Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 19m Dive Times: 42 Temperature: 26C Visibility: 8m Highlights: White tips
04/22/2024 Wally Four Rocks Catalinas Captain: Danilo Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 25m Dive Times: 37 Temperature: 25C Visibility: 7m Highlights:
04/22/2024 Guitar shark Corridas Captain: Nelson Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 19m Dive Times: 41mins Temperature: 29C Visibility: 15ft Highlights: David.G, Vicky, Jim, David.B, Mike Long tailed sting ray, barber fish, Panamanian Sargent, nudibranch, damselfish, spotted porcupine fish, triggerfish, jewel eel
04/22/2024 Guitar shark Punta gorda Captain: Nelson Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20m Dive Times: 50mins Temperature: 29C Visibility: 25ft Highlights: David.G, Vicky, Jim, David.B, Mike Octopus, moray eel, zebra moray, barber fish, Panamanian Sargent, round rays
04/22/2024 Guitar shake Tiburones Captain: Nelson Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 21m Dive Times: 43mins Temperature: 29C Visibility: 15ft Highlights: David.G, Vicky, Jim, David.B, Mike White tip reef sharks, round rays, moray eel, barber fish, surgeon fish, octopus
04/22/2024 Devil Ray Monkey Head Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 15 Dive Times: 42 Temperature: 28 Visibility: 20 Highlights: Hayley, Jeb, Coby and Ebony AOWC
04/22/2024 Devil ray Virador Captain: Jose Guides: Steve Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 55 ft Dive Times: 42 min Temperature: 25 c Visibility: Moderate Highlights:
04/22/2024 Devil Ray Virador Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 19 Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 28 Visibility: 20 Highlights: Hayley, Jeb, Coby and Ebony AOWC
04/21/2024 Kelly fish Captain: Guides: Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: Dive Times: Temperature: Visibility: Highlights: