04/29/2024 Classico With Guide Martin
04/29/2024 Jelly fish Classico Captain: Francisco Guides: Martin Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17.8 m Dive Times: 32 Temperature: 25c Visibility: 15m Highlights: White tip shark. Octopus. Schools of fish
04/29/2024 Jelly fish Classico Captain: Francisco Guides: Martin Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17.8 m Dive Times: 32 Temperature: 25c Visibility: 15m Highlights: White tip shark. Octopus. Schools of fish
04/29/2024 Devil Ray Virador Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18 Dive Times: 51 Temperature: 28 Visibility: 25 Highlights: Lisa, Michael, Damon, Candace and Jill
04/29/2024 Devil Ray Palmares Captain: Jose Guides: Ale Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 21 Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 28 Visibility: 25 Highlights: Lisa, Michael, Damon, Candace and Jill
04/28/2024 Devil ray Monkey head Captain: Jose Guides: Steve Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 60 ft Dive Times: 51 min Temperature: 29 c Visibility: Good Highlights:
04/28/2024 Blue orca Arcoíris Captain: Danilo Guides: Charlie Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18mts Dive Times: 57min Temperature: 28gc Visibility: 15mts Highlights:
04/28/2024 Blue orca Roca sucia Captain: Danilo Guides: Charlie Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18mts Dive Times: 47min Temperature: 28gc Visibility: 15mts Highlights:
04/28/2024 Devil ray Punta bellena Captain: Jose Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17.5m Dive Times: 40mins Temperature: 28C Visibility: 20ft Highlights: Barbara, Joe, John, Wendy, David.B jewel eel, damselfish, barber fish, triggerfish, eagle ray, long tailed stingray, white tip reef shark
04/28/2024 Devil ray Monkey head Captain: Jose Guides: Ashton Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17m Dive Times: 45mins Temperature: 30C Visibility: 20ft Highlights: Barbara, Joe, John, Wendy, David.B Octopus, moray eel, jewel eel, damselfish, barber fish, spotted porcupine fish, Mexican goatfish, triggerfish
04/28/2024 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Nelson Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Andrew Dive Site Depths: 20 Dive Times: 46 Temperature: 26C Visibility: 10m Highlights:
04/28/2024 Guitar Shark Virador Captain: Nelson Guides: Ellen Safety Divers: Markus Dive Site Depths: 22m Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 27C Visibility: 12m Highlights: