Website services and marketing for Rocket Frog Divers is provided by We make websites and run SEO and marketing campaigns for scuba diving shops around the world. started in 2013 by Jon Rowe while completing his divemaster internship with Rocket Frog and has grown every year since!
03/18/2020 Pacific Palmares Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 21.1m 68ft Dive Times: 63min Temperature: 22° Visibility: 10m Highlights: Huge schools of fish. Octopus. Moray swimming.
03/16/2020 Blue orca Dos sombreros. Catalinas Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Jessica Dive Site Depths: 19.1m Dive Times: 65min Temperature: 23°C Visibility: 5m Highlights: huge school of fish. whitetip reef shark. nudibranch. scorpionfish.
03/16/2020 Blue orca Clasico. Catalinas Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20.2m Dive Times: 60min Temperature: 23°C Visibility: 2m Highlights: Round ray. whitetip reef shark. longtail stingray
03/17/2020 Pacific Express Dirty rock Captain: Nelson Guides: Max Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 32 Temperature: 24C° Visibility: 12m Highlights: Second dive
03/17/2020 Pacific Express Clasico Captain: Nelson Guides: Max Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 36 Temperature: 26C° Visibility: 3m Highlights: First dive
03/15/2020 Eagle Ray Virador Captain: Nelson Guides: Max Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 12m Dive Times: 29 Temperature: 25C° Visibility: 8m Highlights: Second dive
03/15/2020 Eagle Ray Meros Captain: Nelson Guides: Max Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 12m Dive Times: 38 Temperature: 25C° Visibility: 8m Highlights: First dive
03/15/2020 Blue orca Black rock Captain: Santos Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Marine Dive Site Depths: 24.4m Dive Times: 40 Temperature: 24 Visibility: 4m Highlights: Pacific manta
03/15/2020 Blue orca Big scare Captain: Santos Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Marine Dive Site Depths: 25.2m Dive Times: 34 Temperature: 24 Visibility: 3-4 Highlights: 5 bullsharks
03/10/2020 Pacific expres Corridas Captain: Danilo Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17m Dive Times: 40min Temperature: 24 Visibility: 12m Highlights: Butterfly ray tiger eel stingrays Cortez rays