10/26/2020 Dirty rock With Guide Max
10/26/2020 Devil Ray Dirty rock Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Felipe Dive Site Depths: 21.5m Dive Times: 47 Temperature: 23C° Visibility: 12m Highlights: Second dive Whale shark
10/26/2020 Devil Ray Dirty rock Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Felipe Dive Site Depths: 21.5m Dive Times: 47 Temperature: 23C° Visibility: 12m Highlights: Second dive Whale shark
10/26/2020 Devil Ray Rainbow Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Felipe Dive Site Depths: 24.5m Dive Times: 37 Temperature: 23C° Visibility: 10m Highlights: First dive
10/25/2020 Eagle Ray Clasico Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Felipe Dive Site Depths: 21.5m Dive Times: 44 Temperature: 26C° Visibility: 15m Highlights: Second dive
10/25/2020 Eagle Ray South Point Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 43 Temperature: 27C° Visibility: 15m Highlights: First dive
Rocket Frog Divers Welcome’s You Back To Costa Rica! Covid 19 has put a significant strain on the tourism and diving industries around the world. Costa Rica has been hit quite hard due to it’s reliance on the tourism industry. As of October 15th we are open to the majority of the United States and…
08/22/2020 Eagle ray Cabeza de mono Captain: Danilo Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 19.6m Dive Times: 35min Temperature: 27° Visibility: 2-7m Highlights: Longtail stingray. Eagleray. Lots of fish
08/22/2020 Eagle ray Virador Captain: Danilo Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20.3m Dive Times: 28min Temperature: 27° Visibility: 2-5m Highlights: Lots of fish. Turtle. Longtail stingray. Morays
08/17/2020 Blue orca Baro negro. Murcielagos Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 27.6m Dive Times: 38 min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 5-10m Highlights: School of fish. morays. school of eagle ray. whitetip reef sharks. Chromodorid nudibranch Hypselodoris agassizzi
08/17/2020 Blue orca Big scare. Murcielagos Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Marine Dive Site Depths: 23.5M Dive Times: 38 min Temperature: 25°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Bull sharks
08/17/2020 Blue Orca Black rock Captain: Santos Guides: Max Safety Divers: Marine Dive Site Depths: 26m Dive Times: 47 Temperature: 25C° Visibility: 12m Highlights: Second dive