Website services and marketing for Rocket Frog Divers is provided by We make websites and run SEO and marketing campaigns for scuba diving shops around the world. started in 2013 by Jon Rowe while completing his divemaster internship with Rocket Frog and has grown every year since!
07/21/2020 Guitar Shark Tiburones Captain: Danilo Guides: Michal Safety Divers: Marine Dive Site Depths: 22.7m Dive Times: 65min Temperature: 26° Visibility: 3m Highlights: Whitetip reef sharks. Lots of morays. School of fish. Scorpionfish. Nudibranch
07/18/2020 Eagle ray Meros Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 11m Dive Times: 50min Temperature: 27° Visibility: 5m Highlights: Lost of fish. Nudibranchs. Scorpionfish. Two pacific seahorses black & yellow
07/18/2020 Eagle ray Virador Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 18m Dive Times: 53min Temperature: 26° Visibility: 3m Highlights: Lots of fish. Moray. Eagle ray. Scorpionfish. Nudibranch
06/20/2020 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 22.4m Dive Times: 56min Temperature: 25° Visibility: 5m Highlights: Whitetip shark. Morays
06/20/2020 Guitar Shark Argentina Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23.5m Dive Times: 63min Temperature: 26° Visibility: 5m Highlights: Lots of school of fish. Eagle rays. Round ray. Whitetip shark. Moray
06/10/2020 Eagle ray Corrida Captain: Danilo Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 17.8m Dive Times: 62min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 3m Highlights: Round rays. School of fish. Nudibranchs. Juvenile Jewel & Starry Morays together on the same crack. Morays
06/10/2020 Eagle ray Argentina Captain: Danilo Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 23.4m Dive Times: 66min Temperature: 26°C Visibility: 3m Highlights: School of fish. Morays. 3 Whitetip reef sharks female. Scorpionfish. a baby turtle came to say hello on the shallow canal before to reach the surface!
06/06/2020 Eagle ray Argentina Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 16.4m Dive Times: 59min Temperature: 28° Visibility: 7m Highlights: School of fish. Lots of eagle rays!
06/06/2020 Eagle ray Sorpresa Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 32.1m Dive Times: 51min Temperature: 23° Visibility: 10m Highlights: Lots of school of fish. Moray. Stingray
06/04/2020 Eagle ray Punta Ballena Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 15m Dive Times: 67min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Lots of rain on the surface. pretty quiet underwater… lots of thermoclines. amazing safety stop above a rock full of fishes and a school of 20 eagle rays swimming !!