Website services and marketing for Rocket Frog Divers is provided by We make websites and run SEO and marketing campaigns for scuba diving shops around the world. started in 2013 by Jon Rowe while completing his divemaster internship with Rocket Frog and has grown every year since!
06/04/2020 Eagle ray Meros Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 11.8m Dive Times: 64min Temperature: 27°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Nursery of fishes. Good dive site for macro. lots of nudibranchs. Porcelain crab. a couple of pipefish. moray. lots of pufferfish. eagle ray
06/03/2020 Eagle ray Monkey head Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20.1m Dive Times: 62 min Temperature: 29°C Visibility: 7m Highlights: morays. scorpionfish. school of fish everywhere. butterflyfish. angelfish. surgeonfish. sergeant marjor. grunts. jack. puffers. damselfish. spadefish. Harlequin shrimp
06/03/2020 Eagle ray Virador Captain: Santos Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 25.1m Dive Times: 53min Temperature: 29°C Visibility: 10m Highlights: Eagle rays. stingray. whitetip shark. morays. scorpionfish. school of fish everywhere. butterflyfish. angelfish. surgeonfish. sergeant marjor. grunts. jack. puffers. damselfish. spadefish. amazing.
Awaken your senses – Why is it so noisy underwater? Go diving they said, find peace and tranquility floating weightless in the quiet and beautiful ocean! And then when i went it wasn’t quiet!!! There are all sorts of noises down there. Some obvious like a boat passing by and it’s easily distinguishable engine…
Everyone loves pretty pufferfish! Here in the Costa Rican Pacific coast we get many species from the very small spotted sharpnose puffer to the colour-changing guineafowl puffer. Pufferfish are morphologically similar to the closely related porcupinefish which have large external spines, like the Spotfin Burrfish and the Freckled Porcupinefish. Pufferfish are most diverse in tropical…
Where does sand come from? A lot of us dream about tropical holidays, listening to waves breaking on a deserted beach, palm trees swaying in the breeze and the perfect golden sands to stretch ourselves out on with a good book and a cold drink. Maybe we love beaches because it reminds us of holidays…
05/23/2020 Devil Ray Escorpiones Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 15.1m Dive Times: 64 min Temperature: 29°C Visibility: 10 m Highlights: nursery of fish. baby jewel moray. nudibranchs. yellow seahorse
05/23/2020 Devil Ray Punta Gorda Captain: Nelson Guides: Marine Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 20.4m Dive Times: 62 min Temperature: 28°C Visibility: 15m Highlights: Octopus. school of eagle ray. lots of fishes. morays
05/05/2020 Guitar Shark Tortuga Captain: Santos Guides: Scott Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 58 Dive Times: 48 Temperature: 67 Visibility: 20 ft Highlights:
05/05/2020 Guitar Shark Argentina Captain: Santos Guides: Scott Safety Divers: Dive Site Depths: 84 Dive Times: 32 Temperature: 68 Visibility: 20 ft Highlights: